
Watch World of Winx

The reality show WOW! engages the Winx in their mission, starting an undercover, worldly journey in order to make talented kids' dreams come true.

Watch World of Winx

The reality show WOW! engages the Winx in their mission, starting an undercover, worldly journey in order to make talented kids' dreams come true.

World of Winx

World of Winx is an Italian Flash animated television series and a spin-off of Winx Club. The series was created by Iginio Straffi. Twenty-six episodes were ...

World of Winx (TV Series 2016

The Winx travel all over the world searching for talent for WOW. and preventing the mysterious talent thief from kidnapping them.

World of Winx - Winx Club Wiki

Winx Club is sent to search for talented kids around the world, but the mysterious thief steals them and powerful fairies will try to prevent it.


TherealityshowWOW!engagestheWinxintheirmission,startinganundercover,worldlyjourneyinordertomaketalentedkids'dreamscometrue.,TherealityshowWOW!engagestheWinxintheirmission,startinganundercover,worldlyjourneyinordertomaketalentedkids'dreamscometrue.,WorldofWinxisanItalianFlashanimatedtelevisionseriesandaspin-offofWinxClub.TheserieswascreatedbyIginioStraffi.Twenty-sixepisodeswere ...,TheWinxtrave...